
"Plantur 21" is a brand that offers hair care products specifically designed for women experiencing hair loss and thinning hair, particularly during menopause. The brand is known for its focus on natural ingredients and solutions tailored to address the unique hair loss concerns of women.

The "21" in Plantur 21 refers to the age at which women may start experiencing hormonal changes that can lead to hair loss. Plantur 21 products are formulated to target the underlying causes of hair loss and promote hair growth.

While specific product rankings or ratings can vary depending on the source and the time of the search, Plantur 21 has received positive reviews and feedback for its products. Some of their popular products include the Plantur 21 Hair Loss Shampoo and the Plantur 21 Hair Loss Treatment.

It's important to note that individual experiences with hair care products can vary, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's always a good idea to read reviews and consult with a dermatologist or a hair care professional before starting any new hair care regimen, especially if you are concerned about hair loss.