Running man最佳愛情

"Running Man" is a popular South Korean variety show that has been airing since 2010. Over the years, the show has featured many memorable moments, including some romantic scenarios between the cast members. However, when it comes to the "best love" on "Running Man," it's often subjective and can vary depending on personal preferences.

One of the most beloved relationships on the show is the bromance between Kim Jong-kook and Song Ji-hyo, affectionately known as the "Monday Couple" due to their chemistry on the show, especially during the early days of the program. Their playful interactions and the way they supported each other added a fun dynamic to the show.

Another notable relationship is the one between Ji Suk-jin and Lee Kwang-soo, who often tease each other but also have moments of genuine care and support, showcasing a unique friendship.

It's important to note that while these relationships are entertaining and add to the show's appeal, they are primarily scripted for the purpose of the program and should not be taken as indicative of real-life relationships or romantic interests between the cast members. The cast of "Running Man" has a strong bond as colleagues and friends, and their interactions contribute to the show's success and popularity.