
"Dirty" or "dirty play" in basketball typically refers to actions that are considered unsportsmanlike, such as excessive physical contact, flopping, or intentionally trying to injure an opponent. It's important to note that every team in the NBA has players who may engage in such behavior at times, but it's not accurate or fair to label an entire team as "dirty."

However, there have been instances where certain teams have been accused of playing a more physical or aggressive style of basketball, which can sometimes lead to incidents that are perceived as "dirty." These perceptions can change over time and can be influenced by specific games, players, or rivalries.

It's also worth mentioning that the NBA has rules and officials to monitor and penalize unsportsmanlike conduct. The league strives to maintain a balance between physical play and player safety, and teams that consistently engage in dirty play may face penalties, fines, or even the suspension of players.

If you're referring to a specific time period or specific incidents, it's important to consider the context and the overall sportsmanship of the team in question. It's not accurate or fair to generalize an entire team or organization as "dirty" based on the actions of a few individuals.