Lol top最強

"LOL Top最強" is Chinese and translates to "League of Legends Top Lane Best" in English. In the game League of Legends, the Top Lane is one of the three main lanes on the map, where players typically send their strongest or most durable champions to duel against the enemy team's top laner.

Determining the "best" top laner in League of Legends can be subjective and can change with each patch and meta shift. The meta refers to the current most effective strategies and champion picks in the game. Champions that are considered strong in the top lane at any given time can vary based on their current balance state, the items they use, and the strategies that are most successful in high-level play.

As of my last update in mid 2023, some of the top laners that have been popular and successful in competitive play and high elo solo queue include:

  1. Gwen - A relatively new champion known for her ability to duel and her scaling potential.
  2. Fiora - A mobile duelist who can deal massive damage and heal herself.
  3. Camille - A powerful skirmisher with a kit that allows her to isolate and kill priority targets.
  4. Sion - A tanky top laner who can soak up damage and disrupt the enemy team with his ultimate.
  5. Darius - A melee carry who can deal high amounts of damage with his bleed passive.

However, the meta is always evolving, and what is considered the "best" can change with each new patch or as players discover new strategies. It's important to note that the strength of a champion can also depend on the player's individual skill and the team composition.