Arena of valor最強英雄

"Arena of Valor" (王者榮耀), also known as "Honor of Kings" in China, is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Tencent Games. The game features a diverse roster of heroes, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. As of my last update in mid 2023, there isn't a single hero that can be universally declared as the "strongest" due to the frequent balance updates and the dynamic nature of gameplay. However, some heroes are often considered strong in specific metas or for certain playstyles.

Heroes that are often considered strong and popular in Arena of Valor include:

  1. Zanis (Zanis) - A marksman with high mobility and damage output.
  2. Luban No. 7 (魯班七號) - Another marksman known for his area-of-effect damage and pushing capabilities.
  3. Sun Shangxiang (孫尚香) - A mobile marksman with high burst damage.
  4. Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮) - A mage with crowd control and high burst damage.
  5. Guan Yu (關羽) - A warrior with crowd control and mobility.
  6. Zhang Fei (張飛) - A tank with crowd control and durability.
  7. Diaochan (貂蟬) - A mage with crowd control and healing abilities.

These heroes are generally strong due to their versatility, damage output, or utility. However, the strength of a hero can vary greatly depending on the player's skill level, team composition, and the current meta. It's important to note that the meta can shift with each update, so what might be considered the strongest today could change in the future.

For the latest and most accurate information on the current meta and strongest heroes in Arena of Valor, it's recommended to check with the game's community, professional players, or official forums. Additionally, keeping up with patch notes can provide insights into which heroes have been recently buffed or nerfed, affecting their strength in the game.