
"最高"這個辭彙在英文中通常被翻譯為 "highest"。以下是一些包含 "highest" 的例句:

  1. The mountaineer reached the highest peak in the range. (登山者到達了該山脈的最高峰。)

  2. The company achieved its highest sales record last quarter. (公司在上個季度創下了最高的銷售記錄。)

  3. The government has set a new target for the highest employment rate. (政府已經設定了一個新的最高就業率目標。)

  4. The scientist received the highest honor for his groundbreaking research. (科學家因其開創性的研究獲得了最高榮譽。)

  5. The singer hit the highest note in the song's climax. (歌手在歌曲的高潮部分唱出了最高音。)

  6. The student received the highest grade in the class. (學生獲得了班上最高的分數。)

  7. The athlete jumped to the highest point in the competition. (運動員在比賽中跳到了最高點。)

  8. The building is the highest in the city. (這座建築是城市中最高的。)

  9. The river flows through the highest plateau in the country. (河流流經該國最高的 plateau。)

  10. The temperature reached its highest level in decades. (溫度達到了幾十年來的最高水平。)

請注意,"highest" 是 "high" 的最高級形式,表示最高、最偉大的程度。在不同的語境中,它可以用來描述各種事物或情況的最高點。