

讓我們這首歌向你的愛情告別 It's time to say goodbye to your love 你我無法一同步的那條遙遠路途 The distance between us is too far to cross

你總是讓我微笑 You always make me smile 即使我心中有苦澀 Even when there's a bitter taste in my mouth

我無法讓你明白 I can't make you understand 我心中那最高的單戀 The highest love in my heart

你總是帶著微笑離開 You always leave with a smile 留下我無法解開的心結 Leaving me with a puzzle I can't solve

你總是讓我期待 You always make me hope 即使我明知不可能 Even when I know it's impossible

我無法讓你明白 I can't make you understand 我心中那最高的單戀 The highest love in my heart

總是如此地渴望你 I'm always longing for you 無論身在何方都感到你在身旁 No matter where I am, I feel you beside me 卻始終無法將愛情告白 But I can never confess my love

即使這樣的我已經不完整 Even if I'm not whole anymore 即使我心中充滿了苦澀和傷痕 There's still a piece of me that's waiting for you

我無法讓你明白 I can't make you understand 我心中那最高的單戀 The highest love in my heart 我無法將愛情對你述說 I can't confess my love to you