
"Best" is subjective and can vary depending on personal preferences, the type of music, the purpose of the music video, and the platform on which it is being played. However, here are some general tips that can help make a music video more enjoyable and effective:

  1. Quality Production: High-quality production values, including good camera work, lighting, and editing, can greatly enhance the viewing experience.

  2. Creative Concept: A unique and engaging concept that complements the song can make a music video stand out.

  3. Visuals that Match the Music: The visuals should be in sync with the mood, tempo, and style of the music to create a cohesive experience.

  4. Artistic Direction: A clear artistic vision can give the music video a distinctive look and feel.

  5. Storytelling: If the music video tells a story, it should be compelling and easy to follow.

  6. Use of Color and Visual Effects: Creative use of color grading and visual effects can add to the overall aesthetic of the video.

  7. Performance: If the artist(s) are featured in the video, their performance should be energetic and captivating.

  8. Replay Value: A music video that offers something new or interesting upon repeat viewing is more likely to be considered "best."

  9. Cultural Relevance: A music video that reflects current trends or addresses social issues can resonate with viewers.

  10. Distribution: Making the music video widely available on various platforms and promoting it effectively can increase its visibility and popularity.

Remember, what makes a music video "best" is often a combination of these factors, along with personal taste and the specific context in which the video is being watched.