The telegraph英國私立院校排名2019

The Telegraph, a British newspaper, publishes an annual ranking of private schools in the UK. The ranking for 2019 is based on a range of factors, including academic performance, university destinations, and extracurricular activities. Here is a list of the top 10 private schools in the UK as ranked by The Telegraph in 2019:

  1. Eton College
  2. Winchester College
  3. Westminster School
  4. St. Paul's School
  5. Rugby School
  6. Charterhouse School
  7. Harrow School
  8. St. Mary's School, Ascot
  9. Cheltenham Ladies' College
  10. St. Paul's Girls' School

It's important to note that school rankings can vary depending on the methodology used and the criteria considered. Additionally, the reputation and quality of a school are not solely determined by its ranking, and many excellent schools may not appear in the top 10. Parents and students should consider a range of factors when choosing a school, including location, curriculum, extracurricular activities, and the overall fit for the individual student.