
"Stephy, My Love" is a song by Hong Kong singer Stephy Tang, released in 2007. The song is about love and devotion, with Stephy expressing her feelings towards someone special. Here are the lyrics in English:

Stephy, my love, you're the one I care for In this world, you're the only one I adore Your smile, your eyes, they light up my world In your arms, I feel so secure

You're the melody in my heart's song In your embrace, I belong Through the highs and lows, you're my guide In your love, I find my pride

Stephy, my love, you're my shining star In the darkness, you light the way afar Your love, your touch, they mean so much to me In your world, I'm free to be me

You're the reason I wake up each day In your love, I find my way Through the storm, you're my shelter In your heart, I'm forever your letter

Stephy, my love, you're my everything In this life, you're my only dream Your love, your heart, they're my own In your world, I'm never alone

Please note that these lyrics are a translation and adaptation, and they may not perfectly match the original Cantonese lyrics.