
"She" 是一首由英國歌手Charles Aznavour創作並演唱的歌曲,首次發行於1974年。這首歌是一首對一位女性的深情告白,表達了對她的愛慕和關心。在歌詞中,歌手問候她最近是否安好,並表達了自己對她的情感。以下是這首歌的部分歌詞:

She, She's like the wind through my tree. She, Nothing can stop her, not even me.

She's moving on, She's running on, She's got to be on her way. She's moving on, She's running on, She's got to be on her way.

She's like the wind, She's wild and free. She's like the wind, Through me she's blowing.
