Sys class backlight pwm backlight最低

The "sys class backlight pwm backlight" setting refers to the use of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the brightness of the backlight in a display. PWM is a technique used to control the brightness of the backlight by rapidly turning the backlight on and off at a high frequency, which is typically not visible to the human eye. The duty cycle of the PWM signal (the proportion of time the backlight is on compared to the total cycle time) determines the perceived brightness of the display.

The "sys class backlight pwm backlight minimum" setting specifies the lowest possible brightness level that can be achieved using PWM. This setting is useful for reducing eye strain in low-light conditions or for conserving power by dimming the display to the lowest possible brightness setting without turning it off completely.

To adjust the "sys class backlight pwm backlight minimum" setting, you can typically use a utility that allows you to control the backlight settings of your display, such as xbacklight or backlight on Linux systems, or the display settings in your operating system's control panel or settings menu. The exact command or method for adjusting this setting may vary depending on your system configuration.

For example, on a Linux system, you might use the xbacklight command to set the minimum PWM backlight level like this:

xbacklight -min

Please note that the xbacklight command is typically used for LCD monitors connected to the X server. The availability and usage of such commands may vary depending on your Linux distribution and desktop environment. Always check the documentation for the specific utility you are using to ensure you are using it correctly.