One piece海賊王x美食的俘虜torikox龍珠z 1小時特別篇史上最強聯合vs海上大胃王

"One Piece" (海賊王), "Toriko" (美食的俘虜), and "Dragon Ball Z" are all popular manga and anime series created by Eiichiro Oda, Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro, and Akira Toriyama, respectively. Each series has its own unique universe and characters, but they are all known for their action-packed stories and memorable characters.

A crossover special featuring characters from all three series could be an exciting event for fans, but as of my knowledge cutoff in mid 2023, there is no official "One Piece" x "Toriko" x "Dragon Ball Z" crossover special titled "史上最強聯合vs海上大胃王" (Shijou Saikyou Kyouei vs Kaitei Daipachi), which translates to "The Strongest Alliance vs. The Sea's Glutton" in English.

If such a special were to exist, it might involve a storyline where characters from each series team up to face a common threat, possibly a powerful new enemy or a food-related crisis that requires the combined strength and culinary expertise of Luffy from "One Piece," Toriko from "Toriko," and Goku from "Dragon Ball Z."

Given the popularity of these series and the potential for an epic crossover, it's not impossible that such a project could be developed in the future. However, without an official announcement or release, it's difficult to provide specific details about a "One Piece" x "Toriko" x "Dragon Ball Z" crossover special.

If you're a fan of these series, you might want to keep an eye on official announcements from the creators or publishers for any news regarding a potential crossover event.