In these days最近

"In these days" 是一個常用的短語,用來指代最近的一段時間。這個短語可以用來談論當前的情況、事件或者趨勢。例如:

  1. In these days, I've been really busy with work. (最近這些天,我工作真的很忙。)

  2. In these days, it's important to stay home and stay safe. (最近這些天,待在家裡保持安全是很重要的。)

  3. In these days, I've noticed that people are more aware of their health. (最近這些天,我注意到人們更加關注自己的健康。)

這個短語通常用來描述一個持續的或者近期發生的情況,而不是特定的某一天或者事件。如果你想要談論的是一個特定的時間點或者事件,你可以使用更具體的表達,比如 "recently", "lately", "over the past week", "in the last month", "since the beginning of the year" 等。