Heung to secondary school tseung kwan o排名

"Heung To Secondary School" (弘立書院) is a private school in Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong. It is known for its bilingual (English and Chinese) education and its emphasis on character development and community service. The school is not ranked by the Hong Kong government's Education Bureau, as it is a private institution and not part of the government's official school system.

However, Heung To Secondary School is generally considered to be one of the top private schools in Hong Kong, and it has a good reputation for academic excellence, as well as for its strong emphasis on values and ethics. The school's curriculum is designed to prepare students for admission to top universities in Hong Kong, as well as in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

It's important to note that while the school is not ranked by the government, it may be ranked or reviewed by independent organizations or in private school guides. It's also worth considering that the reputation and quality of a school can be subjective and may depend on factors such as the individual student's needs and preferences, the school's teaching approach, and the overall educational philosophy and values.