
"Fuyao" (扶搖) is a Chinese television series that aired in 2018. It is based on the novel "Fuyao Ji" by Tianxia Guiyuan. The series stars Yang Mi and Ethan Juan and follows the journey of a young woman named Fuyao who rises from humble beginnings to become a powerful figure in the realm of the immortals.

The final episode of "Fuyao" brings the story to a conclusion, wrapping up the arcs of the main characters and resolving the conflicts that have been central to the plot. However, the specific details of what happens in the final episode may vary depending on the source you consult, as different regions may have different translations or adaptations of the original material.

If you're looking for a detailed summary or a discussion of the final episode, it would be best to check online forums, fan communities, or episode guides that focus on Chinese television or the "Fuyao" series specifically. Keep in mind that discussing the ending of a work can sometimes involve spoilers, so if you haven't watched the series yet and plan to, it might be best to avoid detailed discussions until you've seen it for yourself.