Crabtree evelyn最新產品hong kong christmas 2009

Crabtree & Evelyn is a company that specializes in natural botanical-based products for the home, body, and garden. In 2009, they would have had a range of products available in Hong Kong for the Christmas season, just like they do for other locations around the world. However, specific product details from that time may be difficult to find now, as product lines and marketing strategies can change over time.

If you are looking for information about Crabtree & Evelyn's products from the 2009 Christmas season in Hong Kong, you might want to consider the following:

  1. Checking Archive Websites: Websites like the Wayback Machine ( can provide snapshots of websites from the past, which might include information about Crabtree & Evelyn's Christmas collections in Hong Kong.

  2. Contacting Crabtree & Evelyn: Reach out to the company directly to see if they have any historical product catalogs or information available. They might be able to provide you with the details you're looking for or direct you to where you can find them.

  3. Local Media and Advertisements: Look through local newspapers, magazines, or advertisements from 2009 that might have featured Crabtree & Evelyn's Christmas products.

  4. Social Media and Forums: People often discuss and share information about products on social media and forums. You might find someone who remembers or has shared information about Crabtree & Evelyn's 2009 Christmas offerings in Hong Kong.

  5. Retailers and Department Stores: If there were any department stores or retailers that carried Crabtree & Evelyn products in Hong Kong in 2009, they might have historical records or catalogs that could help you.

Remember, the availability and popularity of specific products can vary greatly depending on the time and location. If you're looking for a general idea of what types of products Crabtree & Evelyn might have offered, you can look at their current or past collections to get an idea of their typical product range, which might include things like fragrances, body lotions, soaps, candles, and gift sets.