
"Soul of Chaos" (混沌之魂) is a term that appears in the "Final Fantasy" series, particularly in "Final Fantasy XI" and "Final Fantasy XIV". It refers to one of the essences or elements that make up the world, along with the "Soul of Fire", "Soul of Earth", "Soul of Water", and "Soul of Wind". The "Soul of Chaos" is associated with disorder, destruction, and the primal aspect of the world that is often represented by powerful and chaotic forces.

In "Final Fantasy XI", the "Soul of Chaos" is tied to the storyline and the elemental powers that players encounter in the game. It is one of the five essences that players must contend with, each representing a different elemental force.

In "Final Fantasy XIV", the "Soul of Chaos" is also a concept that is related to the elemental energies and the balance of the world. The term "chaos" is often used in the context of the primals and the elemental magic that they wield, which can disrupt the balance of the world if not kept in check.

The "Soul of Chaos" is not a character or a specific entity in the "Final Fantasy" series, but rather a thematic and conceptual element that represents the chaotic and destructive forces that exist in the world of the games.