

  1. This is the best movie I have ever seen. (這是我看過的最好的電影。)

  2. He is the tallest person in our class. (他是我們班上最高的人。)

  3. This book provides the most comprehensive coverage of the subject. (這本書提供了最全面的科目覆蓋。)

  4. She sings the most beautifully in our group. (她在我組裡唱得最美。)

  5. This is the least expensive option available. (這是所有選項中最便宜的一個。)

  6. It was the happiest day of my life. (那是我一生中最快樂的一天。)

  7. This is the most important decision you will ever make. (這是您將做出的最重要的決定。)

  8. He works the hardest among all of us. (在我們所有人中,他工作最努力。)

  9. This is the most delicious food I have ever tasted. (這是我吃過的最美味的食物。)

  10. She is the most intelligent student in our school. (她是我們學校最聰明的學生。)

