
"Most moving" is the English phrase you're looking for if you're trying to describe something that evokes strong emotions or deeply touches you. It suggests that the experience was so powerful that it caused an emotional reaction, often one that is difficult to put into words.

Here are some examples of how you might use "most moving" in a sentence:

"The most moving moment of the concert was when the lead singer dedicated a song to his late father." "Her most moving speech was one that she gave at a charity event, where she shared her personal story of overcoming adversity." "The most moving part of the movie was when the main character finally reconciled with his estranged brother."

If you're looking for a word or phrase that specifically means "causing tears of emotion," you might use "tear-jerking" or "heart-wrenching." However, "most moving" is a more general term that can apply to a wide range of emotional experiences, from joy and inspiration to sadness and grief.