
"最愛" (Sai-ai) in Japanese can be translated to "love" in English. However, without more context, it's difficult to provide a specific English translation of a "最愛日劇" into a "雙語" (sōngǔ), which means "bilingual" in English.

If you're referring to a specific Japanese drama titled "最愛" or a phrase used in a drama, please provide more details so I can offer a more accurate translation. If you're looking for a general translation of "最愛" as "love" in English, it would depend on the context. For example:

If you're referring to "雙語" as bilingual, it would depend on whether you're looking for a bilingual translation of a title or phrase or if you're asking about a list of favorite bilingual dramas. Please provide more information so I can assist you better.