
"最後關頭" 直譯為英文是 "the last moment" 或者 "the critical moment"。這個短語通常用來形容一個非常重要的時間點,在這個時間點上,如果不能做出正確的決定或採取適當的行動,可能會導致失敗或不好的結果。


  1. The team scored the winning goal in the last minute of the game, it was truly a last-minute victory. (球隊在比賽最後一分鐘進球得分,這真是一場關鍵的勝利。)

  2. The company made a final offer to the union at the last moment to avoid a strike. (為了避免罷工,公司在最後關頭向工會提出了最終報價。)

  3. The doctor arrived at the last moment to save the patient's life. (醫生在最後關頭趕到,挽救了病人的生命。)

  4. The detective solved the case at the last moment before the suspect escaped. (偵探在嫌疑人逃跑前最後一刻解決了案件。)
