
"Finally" 是英文中常用的最後連接詞,用來表示序列中的最後一個元素,或者用來強調某個觀點或陳述是最重要的。它可以用在句子開頭或中間,來連接兩個句子或子句。


  1. Finally, we arrived at the hotel after a long journey. (經過長途旅行後,我們終於抵達了酒店。)
  2. We checked into our rooms, and finally, we could relax. (我們辦理了入住手續,終於可以放鬆了。)
  3. She tried many different strategies, but finally, she found a solution that worked. (她試了很多不同的策略,但最終她找到了一個可行的解決方案。)

"Finally" 也可以用來引導一個名詞短語或子句,用來強調某個特定的結果或結論。


  1. The final decision was made, and the team began to implement the plan. (最終的決定已經做出,團隊開始實施計劃。)
  2. The committee has reached a consensus finally. (委員會終於達成了共識。)

請注意,"finally" 通常用來強調某個結果或結論的重要性,而不是用來連接兩個無關的陳述。如果你想要連接兩個無關的陳述,可以使用其他連接詞,如 "and", "but", "or", "so" 等。