
"最後把關"這個短語在英文中可以表達為 "the final check" 或者 "the last line of defense"。這個短語通常用來形容在某個過程或任務的最後階段進行的審查或確認,以確保一切按照預期進行,沒有錯誤或問題被遺漏。


  1. 在產品發布之前,質量控制團隊會進行最後的檢查,以確保產品符合所有標準。 Before the product is released, the quality control team will perform the final check to ensure that it meets all the standards.

  2. 在手術結束時,醫生會進行最後的檢查,以確保所有器械都被取出,並且傷口被正確縫合。 At the end of the surgery, the doctor will perform the last line of defense to ensure that all instruments have been removed and the wound is properly sutured.

  3. 在檔案提交之前,我會進行最後的檢查,以確保沒有語法錯誤或遺漏的信息。 Before submitting the documents, I will do a final check to ensure there are no grammatical errors or missing information.
