


import sys # for max function

def prim(graph):
    num_vertices = len(graph)
    selected_vertices = [0] # Initialize the selected vertices list
    mst = [[0, -1, -1] for _ in range(num_vertices)]
    mst[0][0] = 0 # First vertex is always included in the MST

    for _ in range(num_vertices):
        min_key = sys.maxsize
        for i in range(num_vertices):
            if i in selected_vertices and mst[i][2] == -1: # If vertex is selected and not yet included in MST
                for j in range(num_vertices):
                    if j != i and graph[i][j] and mst[j][0] == -1: # If there is an edge between i and j and j is not yet included in MST
                        if mst[i][2] == -1 or graph[i][j][0] < min_key: # If there is a shorter path from i to j or vertex i has not been included in MST yet
                            min_key = graph[i][j][0] # Update min_key
                            mst[j][2] = graph[i][j][2]
                            mst[j][1] = i
        selected_vertices += list(mst)
    return selected_vertices, mst[:num_vertices]
