Winning eleven 10最佳陣容

"Winning Eleven" 10, also known as "Pro Evolution Soccer" (PES) 2010, was a popular football video game developed by Konami. The game allowed players to create and manage their teams, as well as play with licensed teams and players from around the world. While the game did not feature a specific "best" or "dream" team, players could create their own dream teams by selecting the best players from various clubs and national teams.

Here is a hypothetical "best" team for "Winning Eleven" 10, based on the player's performance and reputation at the time of the game's release:





This team would be a formidable lineup, featuring some of the best players from the late 2000s and early 2010s. However, it's important to note that the actual performance of players in the game would depend on their individual ratings, which could vary from the real-life abilities of the players.