
"Best" is the superlative form of "good" in English, and it is used to describe something that is of the highest quality or excellence. When you say "best," you are indicating that something is superior to all others of its kind. For example, you might say, "This is the best movie I've ever seen," meaning it is superior to all other movies you've watched.

If you're looking for a phrase that includes "best" and "English," you might be interested in expressions like "Best English," "Best of English," or "Best English language." These terms could be used in various contexts, such as recommending the best resources for learning English, discussing the highest quality literature in English, or identifying the most proficient speakers of the English language.

Remember, when using "best" in a sentence, you should ensure that it is appropriate to compare the subject to others of its type. For example, if you're talking about a specific book, you might say it's the best book on a particular subject, but you wouldn't typically say it's the best book ever written unless you're prepared to make a comparison across all books in history.