
在數學中,"最大值"通常被稱為 "maximum"。以下是一些包含 "maximum" 的英文例句:

  1. The maximum value of this function is 10 at x = 5. (這個函式的最大值是10,在x=5時取得。)

  2. To find the maximum of a set, you look for the largest element. (為了找到一個集合的最大值,你尋找最大的元素。)

  3. The engine can produce a maximum of 200 horsepower. (這台發動機最多能產生200馬力的功率。)

  4. The temperature reached a maximum of 30 degrees Celsius. (溫度達到了30攝氏度的最大值。)

  5. The company's profits have reached a maximum. (公司的利潤已經達到了最大值。)

  6. The weight limit for this baggage is the maximum allowed by the airline. (這個行李的重量限制是航空公司允許的最大值。)

  7. The students were asked to find the maximum and minimum values of the equation. (學生們被要求找出這個方程的最大和最小值。)

  8. The maximum number of attendees for the event is 500. (本次活動的最大參加人數是500人。)

  9. The height of the building is at a maximum of 100 meters. (這棟建築的高度最大為100米。)

  10. The security system has a maximum capacity of 1 terabyte. (這個安全系統的最大容量是1太位元組。)

請注意,"maximum" 也可以用作動詞,意為「達到最大值」。例如:

  1. The population of this city has maximumed out. (這個城市的人口已經達到了最大值。)