
"最初"在英文中通常被翻譯為 "at first" 或者 "in the beginning"。下面是一些例句:

  1. At first, I was really nervous about public speaking, but now I enjoy it. (起初,我對公開演講真的很緊張,但現在我很享受。)

  2. In the beginning, we had a lot of difficulties, but we overcame them. (一開始,我們遇到了很多困難,但我們克服了它們。)

  3. At first glance, the problem seemed impossible to solve, but then I found a way. (乍一看,這個問題似乎不可能解決,但後來我找到了一種方法。)

  4. Initially, I wasn't sure if I wanted to take the job, but now I'm glad I did. (起初,我不確定是否想要這份工作,但現在我很高興我接受了。)

  5. When we first started our business, we worked long hours. (當我們剛開始創業時,我們工作很長時間。)

  6. At the outset, we had different opinions, but we eventually agreed on a plan. (一開始,我們意見不同,但我們最終在計畫上達成了共識。)

這些例句展示了 "最初" 在描述某件事情的起始階段或起始點時的用法。