
在英文中,"排名前列"通常被翻譯為 "rank among the top" 或者 "be among the top ranks"。這個短語用於描述某個事物或某個人在某個群體或類別中排名靠前,即處於領先地位。例如:

"The company ranked among the top 10 in the industry."(這家公司在行業中排名前十。)

"She was among the top ranks in her class."(她在班上排名靠前。)


"The team finished the season ranked among the top teams in the league."(這個隊在本賽季中排名聯賽中的頂尖隊伍之列。)

此外,"top" 也可以用作形容詞,與 "ranking" 連用,表示 "高排名的",例如:

"The company has several top-ranking officials."(該公司擁有幾位高級別官員。)

總之,"排名前列" 可以用 "rank among the top" 或者 "be among the top ranks" 來表達,根據上下文的不同,可以靈活使用這些短語。