


  1. ( )A. more beautiful B. less beautiful C. most beautiful
  2. ( )A. taller B. shorter C. tallest
  3. ( )A. older B. younger C. oldest
  4. ( )A. fatter B. thinner C. fattest
  5. ( )A. larger B. smaller C. largest
  6. ( )A. more careful B. less careful C. most careful
  7. ( )A. happier B. unhappier C. happiest
  8. ( )A. nicer B. worse C. nicest
  9. ( )A. harder B. easier C. hardest
  10. ( )A. faster B. slower C. fastest


  1. She is ____ than me in math and ____ in English.
  2. He is ____ than his brother and ____ than his sister in height.
  3. She is ____ than her sister and ____ than her brother in age.
  4. The boy is ____ than the girl and ____ than the girl in weight.
  5. The sun is ____ than the moon and ____ in brightness, so it's easy to see it at night without any trouble at all to see the moonlight with my own eyes ( ) A, The sun is higher and bigger, and there is less and less time between the sunrise and sunset each day until they meet the climax of each day so they do not bother to see the moonlight with my own eyes ( ) B, The sun is higher and bigger, and there is more and more time between the sunrise and sunset each day until they meet the climax of each day so they do not bother to see the sunrise with my own eyes ( ) C, The sun is higher and smaller, and there is more and more time between the sunrise and sunset each day until they meet the climax of each day so they do not bother to see the sunrise with my own eyes ( ) D, The sun is higher and smaller, and there is less and less time between the sunrise and sunset each day until it gets dark for days in a row , So it's not difficult for me to see it with my own eyes)


  1. 張明比李華年輕一些,身高矮一些,但在運動方面卻比李華更擅長。

根據題目描述,我們可以得出以下比較信息:張明比李華年輕,可以用比較級younger表達;身高矮一些,可以用比較級shorter表達;但在運動方面更擅長,則可以用最高級most skilled表達。因此,可以得出以下答案:Zhang Ming is younger than Li Hua and shorter in height, but he is most skilled in sports compared to Li Hua.
