
工程領域的期刊排名通常基於它們的學術影響力和聲譽。以下是一些工程領域的重要期刊及其在Google Scholar Metrics(2019年)中的評分(H5指數):

  1. Proceedings of the IEEE - H5指數: 159
  2. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence - H5指數: 153
  3. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems - H5指數: 143
  4. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems - H5指數: 141
  5. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing - H5指數: 139
  6. IEEE Transactions on Communications - H5指數: 138
  7. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering - H5指數: 137
  8. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control - H5指數: 136
  9. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology - H5指數: 134
  10. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers - H5指數: 133
