
安排行程的英文可以用 "schedule" 或 "plan" 這兩個辭彙。以下是一些相關的英文句子和短語:

  1. "I need to schedule a meeting with my boss." (我需要安排一個與老闆的會議。)
  2. "Can you help me plan my trip to Europe?" (你能幫我規劃我的歐洲旅行嗎?)
  3. "We're going to have a team meeting next week; I'll send out the schedule soon." (我們下周將有一個團隊會議;我很快會傳送會議日程。)
  4. "I've planned out my day; I have a dentist appointment in the morning and then a class in the afternoon." (我已經規劃好了我的日程;我早上有一個牙醫預約,然後下午有一個課程。)
  5. "Let's schedule a call for tomorrow morning to discuss the project details." (讓我們安排一個明天早上的通話來討論項目細節。)
  6. "Before you start your trip, make sure to plan your itinerary carefully." (在你開始旅行之前,確保仔細規劃你的行程。)
  7. "I've got a busy schedule this week; I have to work overtime every night." (我這周的日程很滿;我每天晚上都要加班。)
  8. "Could you please adjust the meeting time? I have a scheduling conflict." (您能調整一下會議時間嗎?我有一個日程衝突。)

在英文中,"schedule" 通常指的是具體的日程安排,而 "plan" 則更側重於整體的規劃和安排,包括旅行、會議、活動等。根據具體情況,你可以選擇使用哪一個辭彙。