
"地表最強"這個詞組直譯成英文是 "The strongest on the ground" 或者 "The best on the planet"。然而,這個詞組通常用來形容某人在某個領域中非常厲害或者是最強的。如果你想要表達某人在某個特定領域是地表最強的,你可以這樣說:

"He is the strongest man on the planet." (他在地球上是最強壯的男人。) "She is the fastest runner on the ground." (她是地面上跑得最快的女人。) "They are the best team on the planet." (他們是地球上最好的團隊。)

如果你想要用一個更口語化或者更流行的詞來表達,你也可以使用 "The best", "The baddest", "The greatest", "The top dog", "The king/queen of ..." 等詞語。

"He is the baddest on the planet." (他是地球上最厲害的。) "She is the queen of the dance floor." (她是舞池女王。) "They are the top dogs in the tech industry." (他們是科技產業的佼佼者。)