
Youku (優酷) is a popular video-sharing website and online streaming service in China, similar to YouTube in the West. It allows users to watch a wide variety of content, including TV shows, movies, music videos, user-generated content, and live streams. Users can also upload their own videos to Youku.

"My Favorites" or "我的最愛" on Youku is a feature that allows users to save videos they like to a personalized playlist for easy access and viewing at a later time. This feature is useful for organizing and keeping track of videos that users want to watch again or recommend to others.

To add a video to "My Favorites" on Youku, users typically need to sign in to their Youku account and then click on a "Favorite" or "添加至我的最愛" button that is usually located near the video player or video information. The video will then be saved to the user's personal "My Favorites" playlist, which can be accessed through the user's account profile.

Please note that the availability of Youku and its features may be subject to change, and access to the platform may be restricted outside of China due to regional content distribution policies and censorship.