
"Youbike" is a bike-sharing system in Taiwan, similar to systems like Citi Bike in New York City or Santander Cycles in London. The name "Youbike" is a brand name and not a specific type of bicycle. The bikes available through the Youbike system are designed for easy and convenient use, with features such as adjustable seats, baskets, and simple gear systems.

The "highest" aspect of Youbike could be interpreted in a few ways:

  1. Highest Elevation: If you're referring to the highest elevation a Youbike can reach, it would depend on where the bikes are used. In Taiwan, Youbike stations are available in various cities and towns, including Taipei, New Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung. The highest elevation a Youbike could reach would be limited by the location's topography and the rider's ability.

  2. Highest Speed: Bike-sharing systems like Youbike typically use bicycles designed for urban use, which are not built for high speeds. The maximum speed of a Youbike would be similar to that of a regular commuter bike, around 15-20 miles per hour (24-32 kilometers per hour), depending on the rider's strength and the terrain.

  3. Highest Altitude for Use: Some bike-sharing systems have specific rules about where the bikes can be used. For example, there might be a maximum distance from the original rental station or a limit on how far the bike can be taken from the service area. It's important to check the rules of the Youbike system you're using to understand the maximum altitude or distance allowed for the bike to be ridden.

  4. Highest Number of Bikes: As of my knowledge cutoff in mid 2023, the Youbike system in Taiwan has expanded significantly, with thousands of bikes available at hundreds of stations. The highest number of bikes in the Youbike fleet would be the total number of bikes currently in operation across all cities and towns where the service is available.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information on any of these aspects, it would be best to check the official Youbike website or contact the service directly.