Wjsn as you wish排行

"WJSN AS YOU WISH" is a song by the South Korean girl group WJSN (Cosmic Girls). The song was released on June 9, 2020, as part of their seventh mini-album, "Neverland." The album and its title track, "Butterfly," were well-received by fans and showcased the group's growth and maturity.

While "WJSN AS YOU WISH" was not the title track of the album, it was one of the album's B-side tracks. B-side tracks do not typically have individual rankings or charts of their own, as they are not promoted as singles and do not receive the same level of attention or promotion as the album's title track.

However, the mini-album "Neverland" and its title track "Butterfly" performed well on various music charts in South Korea and among fans. WJSN, also known as Cosmic Girls, has continued to release music and grow their fan base since the release of "Neverland."