University of notre dame saint mary college印第安那州排名

University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College are both located in Notre Dame, Indiana. However, they are separate institutions with their own rankings and reputations.

The University of Notre Dame is a private, Catholic research university that is consistently ranked among the top universities in the United States. It is particularly well-known for its strong programs in business, law, engineering, and the liberal arts. In various national university rankings, Notre Dame is often ranked in the top 20, and sometimes even the top 15, universities in the country.

Saint Mary's College, on the other hand, is a private, Catholic women's college that is affiliated with the Sisters of the Holy Cross. It is known for its strong programs in the liberal arts and sciences, and it is often ranked among the top women's colleges in the United States. While Saint Mary's College is not as highly ranked as the University of Notre Dame, it is still considered to be a respected institution of higher education.

It's important to note that rankings can vary depending on the source and the methodology used, so it's always a good idea to look at multiple rankings and consider other factors in addition to rankings when choosing a college or university.