Teamfight tactics排行

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is a strategy game mode in the popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) League of Legends, developed by Riot Games. It was released in June 2019 and has since gained a significant following. The game mode features a ranked system where players can compete against each other to climb the ladder and achieve higher ranks.

As of my knowledge cutoff in mid 2023, the TFT ranked system typically includes several tiers and divisions, with the highest rank being Challenger. Below Challenger, the ranks usually include Master, Grandmaster, Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze, with each tier having several divisions. The exact structure of the ranked system can change with updates and patches, so it's always best to check the latest information from Riot Games or the TFT official website for the most current rank distribution and system details.

Ranks in TFT are determined by a player's LP (League Points), which are earned or lost after each match based on the player's performance and the rank of their opponents. Players can climb the ranks by earning LP and can be demoted if they lose too much LP.

It's important to note that the competitive landscape of TFT can change over time with new updates, balance patches, and the introduction of new champions and traits. This can affect the meta (most effective tactics available) and the performance of players in the ranked ladder.

For the latest information on TFT rankings, including the current rank distribution and the top players, you can check the official TFT website, the League of Legends client, or various esports websites and platforms that track TFT rankings and player statistics.