Sys class backlight pwm backlight最低for pwm_bl.c

The "sys class backlight pwm backlight最低" command you've mentioned seems to be a reference to a Linux kernel configuration file or a command used within the Linux system. However, the syntax provided is not a standard command or configuration option that I can identify.

If you're referring to adjusting the backlight brightness using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) in Linux, you might be looking for a command or configuration option related to the backlight control. In Linux, backlight control is typically managed through the backlight interface, which is part of the sysfs (system file system).

Here are some common commands and methods for controlling backlight in Linux:

  1. xbacklight: If you're using an Xorg-based desktop environment, you can use the xbacklight command to adjust the backlight brightness. This command is typically used with LCD monitors.

    xbacklight -inc <brightness_step>
    xbacklight -dec <brightness_step>
    xbacklight -set <brightness_percentage>
  2. Backlight control through kernel parameters: Some systems allow you to adjust the backlight brightness through kernel parameters. You can try using the echo command to set the brightness.

    echo <brightness_value> > /sys/class/backlight/<backlight_device>/brightness
  3. Backlight control through PWM: If your system supports PWM backlight control, you might find files related to PWM in the /sys/class/backlight/ directory. The exact configuration can vary depending on your hardware and kernel version.

    # Increase PWM value (brightness)
    echo 100 > /sys/class/backlight/<backlight_device>/pwm_backlight/brightness
    # Decrease PWM value (brightness)
    echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/<backlight_device>/pwm_backlight/brightness
  4. Using a tool like light: You can install a tool like light, which provides a simple interface for controlling the backlight brightness.

    light -A <brightness_step>
    light -U <brightness_step>
    light -S <brightness_percentage>

If you're looking to adjust the backlight brightness using PWM and you're referring to a specific command or configuration file, please provide more context or details so I can provide a more accurate answer.