Six same faces今夜は最高歌詞

"Six Same Faces" is a song by the Japanese rock band, The Yellow Monkey. The song is included in their album "Six Same Faces" which was released in 1996. The song "今夜は最高" (Tonight is the Best) is also known as "Six Same Faces" in English. Here are the lyrics in Japanese and an English translation:

今夜は最高 Tonight is the Best

六つの同じ顔 六 Same Faces

どこかで見たような Feels like I've seen it somewhere

あなたの笑顔 Your smiling face

忘れないでいたい I want to remember it

夜が明けても Even if the night ends

このままでいたい I want to stay like this

どこかで聞いたような Feels like I've heard it somewhere

あなたの聲 Your voice

忘れないでいたい I want to remember it

朝が來ても Even if the morning comes

このままでいたい I want to stay like this

六つの同じ顔 Six Same Faces

どこかで見たような Feels like I've seen it somewhere

あなたの笑顔 Your smiling face

忘れないでいたい I want to remember it

夜が明けても Even if the night ends

このままでいたい I want to stay like this

どこかで聞いたような Feels like I've heard it somewhere

あなたの聲 Your voice

忘れないでいたい I want to remember it

朝が來ても Even if the morning comes

このままでいたい I want to stay like this

今夜は最高 Tonight is the Best

六つの同じ顔 Six Same Faces

The lyrics express a desire to hold onto a moment, to remember the familiarity and comfort of a loved one's face and voice, and to wish for that moment to last forever, even as the night ends and morning comes. The repetition of "六つの同じ顔" (Six Same Faces) and "今夜は最高" (Tonight is the Best) emphasizes the significance of the present moment and the connection between the speaker and the person they are with.