
"Seed三馬鹿" is a Japanese phrase that translates to "Three Fools of Seed" in English. It's a play on words, as "seed" in Japanese can also mean "idiotic" or "foolish," and "三馬鹿" means "three fools." The phrase is often used humorously or affectionately to refer to a group of friends or people who are considered foolish or naive.

The phrase "Seed三馬鹿最後" is a bit unclear, as "最後" means "last" or "end," but it's not a standard Japanese phrase. It could be interpreted as "The final three fools of Seed" or "The last of the Seed idiots," but it's not a common saying or title. It might be a made-up or localized phrase for a specific context, such as a joke, a meme, or a local in-group reference.

If you're looking for a standard Japanese phrase or title, "Seed三馬鹿" by itself is a more recognizable term, albeit still somewhat nonsensical and playful.