Rack overwatch最高

"Rack" is not a term used in Overwatch, at least not in the context of a ranking system or competitive tiers. The term "rank" is used to refer to a player's competitive skill rating (SR) in Overwatch.

Overwatch's ranking system uses a skill rating system, where players are ranked based on their performance in competitive play. The maximum rank a player can achieve is 5000 SR, which is considered the highest possible skill rating. However, reaching this rank is extremely difficult and only a very small percentage of the Overwatch community ever reaches this level.

The skill rating system in Overwatch is designed to match players of similar skill levels together in competitive matches. Players can increase or decrease their skill rating based on their performance in competitive matches, with wins and losses affecting their rating.

It's important to note that the Overwatch ranking system can change with updates and patches, so the specifics of the ranking system may have changed since my knowledge cutoff in mid 2023. For the most current information, I recommend checking the official Overwatch website or forums.