Puzzle dragon寵物排名

"Puzzle & Dragons" (パズル&ドラゴンズ) is a mobile puzzle game developed by GungHo Online Entertainment. The game features a variety of monsters that players can collect and use in battles. The ranking of pets (monsters) in "Puzzle & Dragons" can be quite subjective and can vary depending on the current meta, the game's updates, and the player's personal preferences and team compositions. However, there are certainly monsters that are considered more powerful and versatile than others due to their stats, active skills, and awakenings.

As of my knowledge cutoff in mid 2023, some of the most powerful and sought-after monsters in "Puzzle & Dragons" include:

  1. Lilith, Queen of the Damned - A powerful leader that can enhance her team's damage output significantly.
  2. Athena, Battle Deity - Known for her incredible damage output and utility.
  3. Ryune & Lucius - A powerful combo that can provide a significant boost to a team's damage output.
  4. Dmeta (Dragonbound, Metatron) - A staple in many farming teams due to her ability to provide a consistent boost to damage.
  5. Gadius, King of the Giants - A powerful leader that can enhance his team's damage output significantly.

Please note that the meta in "Puzzle & Dragons" is always evolving, and new monsters are constantly being introduced. Therefore, the rankings and the most powerful monsters can change over time. It's always a good idea to check the latest tier lists and community discussions to get the most up-to-date information on the current meta. Additionally, the effectiveness of a monster can also depend on the player's skill level and the specific team composition.