Produce 101 s2 justin排名

"Produce 101 Season 2" was a South Korean reality show that aired in 2017, aiming to form a new boy group by letting the audience vote for their favorite trainees. The show was a huge success and led to the formation of the group Wanna One, which included members from various entertainment companies.

Justin, whose real name is Lee Dae-hwi, was a trainee from Brand New Music. He was a popular contestant on the show due to his charming personality, visuals, and vocal abilities. Justin ranked 2nd place in the final episode, which was broadcast on June 16, 2017.

It's important to note that the show and its results have been overshadowed by a vote-rigging scandal that was revealed in 2020. According to investigations, the final rankings were manipulated by the show's producers, affecting the outcome and the members who were supposed to debut. Despite this, Justin's popularity and talent were recognized throughout the show, and he went on to debut as a member of Wanna One.