Produce 101排名s1

"Produce 101" Season 1 was a South Korean reality show that aired in 2016, aiming to form a boy group from a group of 101 trainees from various entertainment companies. The show was a massive hit and led to the formation of the group Wanna One, which was active from 2017 to 2019. The final rankings determined the members of Wanna One. Here are the final rankings from Season 1:

  1. Park Ji-hoon
  2. Kim Jae-hwan
  3. Ong Seong-woo
  4. Lee Dae-hwi
  5. Lai Kuan-lin
  6. Yoon Ji-sung
  7. Hwang Min-hyun
  8. Bae Jin-young
  9. Ha Sung-woon
  10. Nam Yoon-soo
  11. Kim Tae-woo

These rankings were determined by a combination of online voting and live voting by the audience during the final episode. The top 11 trainees formed Wanna One, which went on to achieve great success in the K-pop industry with their music and performances.