Pokemon go spinda最高cp

As of my knowledge cutoff in mid 2023, Spinda, the unique Pokémon known for its multiple forms, has a maximum Combat Power (CP) of 1,500. This maximum CP value applies to all forms of Spinda, as it does not have any significant stat differences between its various forms.

However, it's important to note that Pokémon GO regularly updates with new features, events, and changes to Pokémon capabilities. The maximum CP for Spinda could potentially change in the future with new game updates or events. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's best to check the official Pokémon GO website or app.

Spinda's strength in Pokémon GO is not in its high CP but in its rarity and uniqueness, as players collect different forms of Spinda based on its unique spot patterns, making it a sought-after Pokémon for completionists and collectors.