Nicholas tse愛最大

"Nicholas Tse 愛最大" is not a phrase or title that I'm familiar with in the context of a specific song, movie, or known work by Nicholas Tse, a prominent Hong Kong actor, singer, and musician. If this is the title of a song, film, or other work, it might be a lesser-known or more regional piece.

Nicholas Tse is known for his contributions to the entertainment industry, particularly in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and parts of Southeast Asia. He has released numerous albums and singles as a singer and has acted in many films and television series. His music often spans various genres, including pop, rock, and Cantopop.

If "Nicholas Tse 愛最大" is a song title, it might be in Chinese and could translate to "Nicholas Tse, Love Most" in English, but without more context, it's difficult to provide a definitive answer. If you're referring to a specific song, film, or work by Nicholas Tse, please provide more details so I can give you a more accurate response.