
"Fate/Grand Order" (FGO) is a mobile game developed by Delightworks and published by Aniplex. It is part of the "Fate" series, which is a battle royale-style competition for the Holy Grail involving mages and summoned historical or legendary figures as servants.

In FGO, characters are classified into seven main classes: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses, and within each class, there are multiple characters, known as Servants, with their own unique abilities and backstories.

The Lancer class is known for its high speed and agility, making them excellent at quick attacks and evasion. Lancers are typically depicted as warriors who fought with spears, lances, or similar weapons in life.

As of my knowledge cutoff in mid 2023, there isn't a definitive "Lancer Ranking" in FGO, as the game's balance and meta can change with updates and new Servant releases. However, players often discuss and debate the relative strengths and weaknesses of different Servants, and some Lancers are considered particularly powerful or popular due to their abilities, versatility, or lore.

Some of the notable Lancers in FGO include:

  1. Cu Chulainn (Cú Chulainn): A staple of the "Fate" series, Cu Chulainn is a Lancer from Irish mythology known for his loyalty and tragic end. He is often praised for his strong defensive capabilities and his powerful Noble Phantasm.

  2. Scáthach: A Lancer from Irish mythology, known as the "Shadowy Witch" and a teacher of warriors. She is highly regarded for her supportive abilities and versatility in battle.

  3. Stheno: A Lancer from Greek mythology, one of the Gorgon sisters. She is known for her powerful NP and her ability to control the battlefield.

  4. Tamamo no Mae: While primarily known as a Caster, Tamamo no Mae also has a Lancer version. She is a popular Servant due to her versatility and strong support capabilities.

  5. Karna: A Lancer from Indian mythology, known for his unwavering honor and powerful Noble Phantasm. He is often considered one of the strongest Lancers in the game.

  6. Sakata Kintoki: A Lancer from Japanese folklore, known for his immense strength and straightforward fighting style. He is a fan favorite for his powerful attacks and straightforward gameplay.

  7. Elizabeth Bathory: A Lancer from historical figures, known for her vampiric abilities and playful personality. She is popular for her unique playstyle and her ability to deal significant damage.

  8. Diarmuid Ua Duibhne: A Lancer from Irish mythology, known for his tragic love story and his powerful Noble Phantasm. He is highly regarded for his offensive capabilities and his ability to quickly charge his NP.

It's important to note that the strength of a Servant can depend on a variety of factors, including their skills, the player's strategy, and the current meta. Additionally, the game regularly introduces new Servants, which can shift the balance of power. Therefore, the "best" Lancer or any other class can change over time.

For the most current information on Servant rankings and the game's meta, it's recommended to check online communities, forums, or social media platforms dedicated to FGO, where players often discuss and share strategies.