Fgo 2019排行

"Fate/Grand Order" (FGO) is a popular mobile game that has been around since 2015. It features a wide array of characters, known as Servants, each with their own unique abilities and classes. The game has a large and dedicated fan base, and as a result, there are often discussions and rankings of the characters based on various criteria such as their strength, popularity, or usefulness in the game.

However, it's important to note that the popularity and effectiveness of Servants can change over time due to updates, new Servants being added, and the meta of the game evolving. Therefore, any rankings or lists from 2019 may not accurately reflect the current state of the game in 2023.

That being said, some of the most popular and highly ranked Servants in FGO in 2019 might have included:

  1. Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) - Known for her powerful NP (Noble Phantasm) and her ability to deal significant damage.
  2. Artoria Pendragon (Saber) - A fan favorite and a staple in many teams due to her balanced stats and versatile abilities.
  3. Merlin - A support Servant known for his ability to buff allies and provide support through his skills.
  4. Okita Souji (Alter) - A strong Assassin class Servant with a powerful NP and good critical hit capabilities.
  5. Tamamo no Mae - A versatile support Servant with healing abilities and the ability to boost allies' NP gauge.

These rankings are not definitive and can vary depending on the source. Additionally, the game has introduced many new Servants since 2019, and the balance and meta of the game have likely shifted. For the most current information, it would be best to check the latest discussions and rankings within the FGO community or look for updated tier lists from reputable sources.